Archives for the month of: August, 2021

So Legend has it, I worked a few days on the Green Lantern movie. I never wrote about it before because everyone was signed to a confidentiality agreement, but its so hot to talk about right now. My first few days there I was a Utility Stand-In while they shot a scene with Peter Sarsgaard, and Angela Bassett. I stood in for a local Day Player that day, named Armondo LeDuc, we talked a little about What we’d been up too since Last we met on the dance floor of a place where he was auditioning for his own Indie Pic (I didn’t get the role). I remember reading the sides for the day (that’s the copy of the day’s script printed on tiny paper, so everyone knows what we’re doing) and hating the dialogue immediately (like no shit right?). It was one of those all nighter type of shoots in South Louisiana. I remember hearing the bug sprayer truck pass down the street, and Martin Campbell was spooked the Fuck out, and was all like “Wait, what’s that, what the FUCK is that?!?!” I knew, but I kept it to myself. I remember sitting in a big chair once next to Peter Sarsgaard, while we both played with our PDA’s– two peas in a pod, no less.

Then a few weeks later I got to be in the picture during the party scene at Ferris Auto, or whatever. I remember leaving holding, and snuck onto set, I just chilled at the Bar, Then Martin Campbell just grabbed me and put me next to Blake Lively! I was like whoa! She was supposed to come onto me or something but I think because I’m so sexy, and she was trying to get with Ryan Reynolds, she just started to avoid me. Luckinly there were other hot girls there. One of them knew some people from my high School, and asked if I was friends with Guy Lafort, whom she went to tulane University with, and I was like “Wasn’t he the Saxophone player your guys washed out after Freshman year because you couldn’t beat me at parish Honor band? (Louisiana is a Parish not County State)”. but I was wrong, the Sax player I beat out for everything at South Lafourche was Aaron Lafont, not Guy Lafort. Guy was the guy of whom I wrote “Gay” Lafort over his Campaign poster when he ran for class President. I think he won Mr. South Lafourche, the year after I graduated, I was an upper classman, and I only won Band Beau, and the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award come graduation; but I rermember Guy’s dad, who was the Guidance Councellor, and the vice -Principle confronted me about it, but I got away with it (I was actually a secret School Government synergist created to tell people right from wrong, so I never got into trouble). Anyway Guy’s wife reminded me of high school, the whole place was that way. I met some very hot babes that day. Brittney from “Dog the Bounty Hunter” and “Brittney V Mandalorian” fame was there, as well as Brittney Alger, from the Philadelphia show. she was in a few other movies as well. But just like High School, Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively would look at me and say “we’re all dead” and then there was the time I told a funny joke to Jay Sanders, who plays Blake Lively’s dad in the movie, and everybody laughed, then Martin Campbell said “And now he’s the Great Comedian”. I really made a great impression while I was there, people know who I am, they just never made me rich and famous. I remember Ryan Reynolds got me banned from the twitter reunion for telling him to eat shit and saying I was the real Hero. memories…

“You’re no one unless you’re always right,

or you’re Stronger or better looking then they are.

Luckily for me, I’m both.”

— Dorian Dardar

The Truth is what’s happening today is the consequence of 20 years of American misjudgments.”

–Ret. Gen Wesley Clark

20 years ago, or more, I was a kid in high School playing table top war games when my Teacher (who also played WarHammer with the dudes ) suggested I read “The Art of War” to improve my strategy. Since then I’ve become a dedicated Taoist Tai chi master, I ching Genius and multi orgasmic Ba Gua practitioner. SO when The American President said all those years ago we’re going to Afghanistan, I was devastated! A Prolonged occupation was going to run us all broke in this country, it’s “Text book Art of War” I said. But everyone was all like “you’re not an American unless you’re drunk and stupid and ready to Fuck shit up for foreign Sand niggers, bro.” And even though EVERYONE were balls out lecturers on the MACRO of World of Warcraft, no one wanted to even begin to get into the REAL LIFE Macro of actual military endeavors. And now they’re saying America has to leave because we need the money to rebuild America– NO SHIT, right! More text book “Art of War” for ya.

Yahoo’s had the nerve to call me crazy for my opinion on how things would turn out, but now everyone in Washinton is saying what I said they’d say, and all you hear about in the news is The surging Mental Health Crisis.

Who’s crazy now , Bitches, I was right, all you guys are delusional assholes.

I’m still the man, the genius, the best at everything, the God among mortals and the most gracious beast on God’s green Earth.

but yeah , I got it, you all voted the other way, and its who you were always dreaming of being– The worlds biggest losers.

I love America because my own Grandfather Created it, and you guys were always fighting to piss us all off with how retarded and “Crazy” it was going to be to live in a country going broke. Kudos.

Get ready for Original Tyranny, Fuck ups.

Oh yeah , FUCK YOU for complaining.